Friday, March 4, 2016

A Thought on Prompts

I have a strong love-hate relationship with writing prompts. They can be phenomenal inspiration or kill creativity. Whichever result occurs depends largely on what type of writer's block a person has. Sometimes going for a run (or a coffee run) can be the best way to refocus the mind. Other days, I find myself brimming with passion for something, and it doesn't particularly matter what. In those times I need to write something, anything, but I'm completely uninspired for my current projects and I have no ideas for new ones. Then I'll Google prompts and take one to write a short piece about. These excerpts rarely amount to anything; however, even the throw-away stories are good practice, and at times they're enough to loosen the mind and get back to what I need to be doing.
That being said, here are some prompts I like but haven't used yet. Some are sentences to use, and others are ideas for the story's framework.

"He wanted peace, and stopped breathing willingly."
"Still waiting to start living, she died."
"There was a letter on the table. It called to her, beckoning the graceful slice of a letter opener. But she couldn't bear to read what she knew it would say."
Write about something beautiful: Love, magic, family, opportunity.
Write about something ugly: War, hate, cruelty, fear.
Pick a very specific part of your body. Write about it in as much detail as possible. Add your opinions on these details. Use this as the framework for a character describing him/herself.
Invent a horribly embarrassing moment.
Plot twists: start out with one emotion and transition to it's opposite. A sad story ends with characters finding beauty amongst the misery. A happy story concludes with death/tragedy. A haunting winds up being a big prank.
Something integral to our society (Internet, marriage, school, etc.) is banned. How do we react?
That which you wanted, but never happened, occurs.
Alternate dimensions: so many possibilities! Who are you/Who is your character? A politician? A famous athlete? Transgender? A charity worker? A prostitute? Write about it and express the shock and the change from this dimension's life.
"We met, illicitly, and time stood still."
"Whatever you do, don't press that but--"
"His body came home unscathed. His mind never recovered."
"I had to say goodbye for the final time. It wasn't healthy, the longing I felt for someone I could never have. For my love's happiness, I would distance myself. For the sake of someone else's marriage, I would give up my happily ever after."

I hope you felt inspired. Maybe you didn't. Go ride your bike to McDonalds and dip fries in ice cream. Staring at the computer screen can sometimes do far more harm than any other activity in terms of writer's block.

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